Analysis, comparison, visualization of contact residues & interfacial waters of antibody-antigen structures/models




Structure Analysis

Structure Comparison

Browse PDB Structures





1. Query structure for analysis

  • The input can be just the 4 letter PDB code, in which case AppA will automatically select antibody and antigen chains from PDB.
  • The input is the 4 letter PDB code with specified heavy and light chains of antibody and antigen chain.
  • The input is the 4 letter PDB code with specified heavy chain and antigen chain.
  • The input is the 4 letter PDB code with specified light chain and antigen chain.
  • The input is uploaded 3D model/structure in PDB format. For this option, users need to specify heavy and/or light chain, and antigen chain.
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    2. Query structures for comparison

  • Users can choose query structures using the same options as those of Query structure for analysis . For example:
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    3. Output of analyis of contact residues and interfacial waters

  • Visualization of antibody-antigen structures/models and their contact residues and interfacial waters

  • AppA displays the 3D rendition of the antibody drug Lucentis (generic name: ranibizumab, PDB code: 1CZ8; heavy chain: (chain H, blue color); light chain: (chain L, violet color)) with the antigen VEGF (chain W, salmon color) and interfacial waters (red balls) using JSMol ( The contact residues of Lucentis and VEGF are highlighted in sticks.

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  • The list of contact residues of heavy chain

  • AppA displays the table of contact residues of heavy chain of the antibody drug Lucentis (generic name: ranibizumab, PDB code: 1CZ8) and the antigen VEGF , as well as the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, van der Waals and ionic interactions that each contact residue is involved in, and their CDR regions, secondary structure and solvent accessibility of contact residues are also shown. In addition to the table, the detailed visualization of contact atoms and interfacial water molecules is displayed using the "Highlight Contact Residues" and "Zoom In" functions of AppA. The detailed hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, van der Waals and ionic interactions of each contact residue of heavy chain are shown when users click on each contact residue in the table.

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  • The list of contact residues of light chain

  • AppA displays the table of contact residues of light chain of the antibody drug Lucentis (generic name: ranibizumab, PDB code: 1CZ8) and the antigen VEGF , as well as the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, van der Waals and ionic interactions of each contact residue. The detailed visualization of contact atoms and interfacial water molecules is displayed using the "Highlight Contact Residues" and "Zoom In" functions of AppA. The detailed hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, van der Waals and ionic interactions of each contact residue of light chain are shown when users click on each contact residue in the table.

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  • The list of contact residues of antigen

  • AppA displays the table of contact residues of the antigen VEGF with the antibody drug Lucentis (generic name: ranibizumab, PDB code: 1CZ8). The detailed visualization of contact atoms and interfacial water molecules is displayed using the "Highlight Contact Residues" and "Zoom In" functions of AppA. The detailed hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic, van der Waals and ionic interactions of each contact residue of the antigen VEGF are shown when users click on each contact residue in the table.

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  • The list of interfacial water molecules

  • AppA displays the table of interfacial water molecules and their hydrogen bonds with contact residues of antibody drug Lucentis (chains H and L) and antigen VEGF (chain W) of the PDB structure 1CZ8. The detailed visualization of interfacial waters and contact atoms is displayed using the "Highlight Contact Residues" and "Zoom In" functions of AppA. The detailed hydrogen bonds of each interfacial water are shown when users click on each interfacial water in the table.

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    4. Output of 3D structure comparison of contact residues

  • Visualization of structural superimposition of contact residues

  • AppA displays the 3D rendition of the structural superimposition of contact residues of heavy chains (H) and light chains (L) of Lucentis (PDB code: 1CZ8) and Avastin (PDB code: 1BJ1) and their interfacial waters using JSMol.

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  • The list of matched contact residues

  • AppA displays the matched contact residues of heavy chains (H) and light chains (L) of Lucentis (PDB code: 1CZ8) and Avastin (PDB code: 1BJ1) for the structure comparison, and the identical matched residues highlighted in red color.

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    5. Output of browsing antibody-antigen structures from PDB

    AppA browses existing antibody-antigen structures from the PDB using a cutoff of number of hydrogen bonds of 15. The analysis and visualization of contact residues and interfacial waters of each antibody-antigen complex are shown when users click on its PDB code in the “PDB code” column.

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    6. Mouse controls for AppA visualization

  • Displaying atom name

  • By moving the mouse pointer over any atom in the visualization window of AppA, the corresponding atom name is shown. As seen in the above figure, the name of main chain atom N of THR53 from heavy chain of the antibody drug Lucentis is displayed.

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  • Measuring distance between two atoms

  • To measure the distance between two atoms, please double click (the left mouse button) on the first atom, and then move the mouse pointer to the second atom. The distance will be shown on a pink line connecting these two atoms. As seen in the above figure, the distance between the main chain atom N of THR53 from heavy chain of the antibody drug Lucentis and the sidechain atom OE1 of GLN89 from antigen VEGF is 2.86Å.

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  • Moving structure/ contact residues
  • To move the antibody-antigen structure/ contact residues in the visualization window of AppA, please use: CTRL + click and hold the right mouse button.

    7. Antibody-antigen complexes

    The list of antibody-antigen complexes is updated every week from PDB. Please click here to download the list of PDB codes of antibody-antigen complex structures.

    8. Browser compatibility

    Microsoft Edge

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