Biomolecular Hydration Analysis Package



   Buried waters



   Atom centric approach

   Solvent density

   Residence time

   Distance of closest water


Download and Install

How to run the programs

   Scripts to compute hydration properties

   Scripts to process the output

   General points




‘JAL’ is a collection of python programs for fast and accurate computation of hydration properties in MD trajectories. Programs calculate solvent density, residence time, buried waters and closest water distance. Additionally, included is a novel algorithm for computing buried water in an MD trajectory.

Kinds of output are available- graphic and textual. Textual output involves a summary file containing the quantification of hydration properties. Some textual files, for instance .pdb file, can be readily loaded in pymol or can be plotted using xmgrace. These post processing scripts are provided in the Scripts section which allows an insightful visualization of the hydration property.

Novelty of the approach lies in the way the calculations are performed. Instead of a traditional grid based approach, we track solvent molecules based on their proximity to the solute to compute solvation properties (More details in the Reference).

Though originally designed for hydration analysis of protein, the scripts can also be used for hydration analysis of small molecules, nucleic acids or any other macromolecules.


Buried waters

Computation of buried waters were benchmarked against bovine trypsin inhibitor (PDB id- 4PTI (1.5Å, REF)). There are 4 buried waters in the protein and our program correctly identified these buried waters (Figure 1) in crystal structure as well as in MD trajectory.

Figure 1: Buried water in the crystal structure of bovine trypsin inhibitor.

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This section provides a general overview of the approaches used to compute hydration properties in structural ensemble of biomolecules. More detailed explanation can be found in the reference paper.


The 1st step in using the ‘JAL’ programs to compute hydration properties is to preprocess the trajectory using the preprocessing script ( This program reads a single MD trajectory in PDB format (multiple frames appended in one file). The aim of preprocessing the trajectory is to reduce the size of system in order to reduce the number of computations. Preprocessing involves the following two steps- (1) stripping all the hydrogen atoms in the system, and (2) stripping all the solvent atom beyond user defined cut off (default = 3.5 Å which marks the 1st solvation shell). Additionally, the user might be interested in computing hydration properties only for a subset of solute atoms/residues. These can be specified too so that other solute atoms and their vicinal water molecules can be stripped.

The output of preprocessing (a trimmed MD trajectory files) is the input for the subsequent programs that compute hydration metric. The reduced size of the system (solute + solvent) enables to rapidly compute hydration metrics.

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Atom centric approach

Solvent properties (solvent density, residence time, closest water distance) are computed by tracking water molecules within a sphere of 3.5 Å from the reference (non-hydrogen protein) atoms in each snapshot of the input structural ensemble. The 3.5 Å cut off is optimal because it is the maximum hydrogen bond donor to hydrogen bond acceptor distance for a hydrogen bond and there are rarely more than one water molecule within this sphere.

This approach of computing the solvent properties is different from a grid based approach. A grid based approach requires creating a grid over the water box and then counting the number of the solvent molecules within each grid box (usually of 0.5 Å dimension); we use a protein centric approach where we monitor the protein (non-hydrogen) atoms that interact with the solvent (water oxygen). Although, this approach is computationally more expensive than the grid based approach, our method provides insightful representations of the data as discussed in the results section. This also makes sense, in that the solvation around a protein is a function of the chemistry and topology of the protein surface. Representing solvent density as grid boxes in 3D (as represented by the ‘grid’ function in Amber’s ptraj module for instance) obscures the identity of the solute atoms that are critical for the respective solvent densities around the solute. Additionally, the grid based approach is extremely sensitive to solute dynamics and therefore affects the accuracies of the solvent properties computed in the 3D grids in cases where the solute is very flexible and/or undergoes major conformational changes; our atom centric approach does not suffer from these limitations. Furthermore, just like the grid based method provides a hydration measure (e.g. solvent density) that is properly normalized by voxel volume, has clear interpretation, and as such is transferable between different locations and different systems; the hydration measure computed using atom centric approach, too, is transferrable if the same color spectrum scale is used (as shown in the figure in Section V ‘How to run the programs’ of the manual).

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Solvent density

It measures the extent of hydration of an atom or group of atoms on solute. The program computes the number of times a site on solute is hydration (water molecule < 3.5 Å of the reference solute atom). Computations can be done for a subset of solute atoms of all the solute atoms. This metric is measured as percent solvation (percent of the simulation time a site on solute is hydrated) using the following formulation-

W is the any water oxygen (irrespective of the ID) at a given instance of time and Δt is the time interval between two successive snapshots of the MD trajectory. Here, Δt is 100 ps. Value of γ is 1 if W(t) = W(t + Δt) and 0 otherwise.

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Residence time

The residence time is defined as the length of time a distinct water molecule stays continuously within 3.5 Å of the solute site. This produces a list of residence time values for that water at that site across the MD trajectory. The summation of all such values at a site gives the total residence time, the average of this gives the average residence time and the maximum value from this list is reported as the maximum residence time (the total residence time will depend on the length of the trajectory). Effectively, the program computes the residence time autocorrelation function P(t) (as also done previously (De Simone et al., 2005) but does not fit an exponential or multi exponential model. It is an estimate of how stable/buried/trapped a water molecule is at a particular site.

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Buried waters

One of the utilities of the package is to compute water molecules that are buried in the protein core. These (buried) waters have little solvent accessibility and are referred to as buried waters. Buried waters are computed using a novel methodology based on iterative calculations of Solvent Accessible Surface Area (SASA) of water molecules and deleting those waters which have SASA more than zero after every iteration (analogous to ‘evaporating’ waters on the protein surface) (shown in the figure below). Ultimately waters left with SASA value of zero are the ones which are present in the protein interior, and are thus deemed to be buried. SASA is computed using the rolling ball algorithm.

Figure 2: Schematic diagram to demonstrate the computation of buried waters in an MD trajectory.

The program to compute buried waters takes as input an MD trajectory of the solute (protein) with the water box. For every frame, the program computes the SASA of all the heavy atoms in the system using the rolling ball algorithm 45. This entails rolling a probe of the size of a water molecule (radius of 1.4 Å) on the system (protein + water box). In the next step, all the waters with a non-zero SASA value are deleted. Computation of SASA of all heavy atoms followed by deletion of the waters with a non-zero SASA value is iterated till only waters with a SASA value of zero (buried waters) are left; this value can be changed to non-zero values to reflect almost completely buried waters, etc.

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Distance of closest water

It computes the distance between a solute atom and the closest solvent molecule. The metric estimates the accessibility of a site on the solute to the water and hence provides a likely estimate of the strength of the interaction.

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Output is provided as summary in text format and also as files that can be readily visualized in an easy, interactive and intuitive manner. We try to describe the output for some of the programs here-

Summary output

The solvent density and residence time values computed by the are summarized in a file in the format shown below-

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Mapping the hydration property on a structure

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Buried waters output

1)Buried water vs frame no.

Output in text format that can be plotted

>> xmgrace buried-wat_Vs_frame-no

2)Buried water IDs in each frame

1 : [242, 244, 245, 8172]

2 : [244, 245, 8172]

3 : [242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 511, 8172, 242, 244]

4 : [242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 8172]

5 : [241, 245, 246, 249, 252, 253, 266, 284, 8172]

6 : [242, 244, 245, 249, 250, 8172]

7 : [242, 244, 245, 247]

8 : [242, 244, 245, 247, 249, 8172]

9 : [242, 245, 247, 249]

10 : [242, 244, 245, 247, 249, 228]

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A trajectory with only buried waters

The program also produces a trajectory, in pdb format, of the solute and only the buried waters. This trajectory can be visualized in PyMOL.
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Time series of solvent exchanges at a solute site

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Download and Install

The ‘JAL’ package is available for free download. Please click here to download the standalone version of the software package – Jal.tar.gz

Refer the 'jal_readme' for instructions to download JAL and install required dependencies on your machine

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How to run the programs

Scripts to compute hydration properties

Input files are highlighted and the running times of scripts are shown in the images.


  • Program to preprocess the trajectory

  • Command: python

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  • Program to calculate solvation properties at all protein sites from ensemble structures

  • Command: python

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  • Same as ‘’ except you can specify the residues for which this calculation has to be done. So, expectedly, this is much faster.

  • Command: python

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  • Program to compute water molecules that are buried in the protein core

  • Command: python

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  • Program to calculate the distance of the closest water

  • Command: python

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    Scripts to process the output

    1. Color protein according to solvation/residence time of waters in an MD trajectory in PyMOL

    - Load ‘’ or ‘’ in pymol

    - Type the following command in pymol

    spectrum b, red_white_blue, minimum=0, maximum=100

    The user can change the minimum and maximum values as per required

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    2. Visualize the rate of exchange of water at a particular site on protein in xmgrace

    - Load the file in xmgrace

    > xmgrace p53dbd_1000frames.pdb_noh.pdb_solute_and_1st_solvation_shell.pdb_N-CYS-90_water_id

    - Customize the visualization in xmgrace

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    General points

  • One can visualize the buried water trajectory in pymol and not in vmd

  • Computing hydration properties for entire molecules (e.g. proteins) can be quite time consuming and depends on the size of the protein. So, we recommend first running the calculations on subset of the protein before running it on the entire protein (or any solute molecule)

  • The scripts will be updated routinely to enable efficient computations

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  • Pradhan MR, Nguyen MN, Kannan S, Fox SJ, Kwoh CK, Lane DP, Verma CS (2019). Characterization of hydration properties in structural ensembles of biomolecules. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling., doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.8b00453

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    Technical details: Minh N. Nguyen


    Group: Atomistic Simulations and Design in Biology

    Institute: Bioinformatics Institute A*STAR

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